
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Road Rash

The Chinese have a saying, "马路如虎口". Literally translated, it is "road like tiger's mouth", this actually means the roads are dangerous.
Well, had my first crash today. Looked back to see the vehicles zipping pass me and my wheel ended up hitting the pavement. Managed to survive that, but as I was going too fast, the wheel just refused to turn. Lost control of the dropbar and fell. Tried to save my precious carbon frame and ended up getting a mild case of road rash.
Gotta start wearing those gloves instead of leaving them at home!!!

I'm lucky these are my serious injuries.

Messenger bags aren't as cool as I thought.

On a lighter note, I went to C2C and got myself a mini pump and a speedometer. $32 for speedo, $28 for pump. $2 discount and Im $58 poorer.
The shaft of the pump looks quite shoddy though. Personally, I think it'll start to corrode due to sweaty palms when operating it, so I wrapped some duct tape around it.
Tried pumping my tire and it was decent. Didnt take too many strokes to inflate it to a reasonable pressure.

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